Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I knew on Monday I was going to have a chem test. So, once again, I made flash cards for myself. Whenever I would have spare time I would pull them out and study them. This method of studying helps me tremendously!! When Monday came around I was confident that I was going to do very well on the test. That is until my teacher handed me the test. It was seven pages long! At first I was really freaked out. I started to question how much I had studied. Once I looked over the test I realised that it wasn't that bad. It was actually missing some stuff that we did. I think I did very well. However, after I turned it in I realized that I had made stupid little mistakes a couple times. I hate it when that happens!! Oh, well all is good. The ones I goofed on were only worth one or two point compared to the ones I know I got right which were worth eight points.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Hangin out with Jordan
So, for those of you who don't know Jordan is like my best friend. She lives in Reedsport. We are both working and going to college. Recently we have not been able to hang out very often. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we have lunch together, but if you know Jordan and I an hour is definitely not enough time to even finish one conversation!! Today our math class got canceled, and we both had nothing to do. We immediately decided with out hesitation that we should hang out. First we went to the mall and went shopping. Then we treated ourselves to Orange Julious. After that we decided we wanted to go tanning. After that it was already almost 3:30. Jordan had set up an appointment to get her eyebrows waxed, so we went and did that too. We had so much fun, just hangin out, and being goofy. We need to do that more often. I'm so glad math class was canceled today!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday the 13Th

So, apparently what they say about Friday the 13th is not real. OK I have always known that, but today proves it. I had a chem quiz today. It was so easy! It made me happy. Although, the chem class I'm in is half organic half bio so I made a little dumb mistake that I knew better. I was asked to name the general name for a monosacchride. Of course, I went through one problem to fast. I said one was aldobutose when it was suppose to be an aldotetose! The prefix but means four in organic chem, but the prefix tet means four in bio chem. (which is what we are studying now.) oops! the teacher had a typo on the quiz too. She gave us a ring form of a monosacchride and we were suppose to name it. The only problem was that one certain one she gave us was not one the four most common monosacchrides, which are D-glucose, D-galactose, D-fructose and D-ribose. All in all the quiz went well.....as far as I know we wont be able to get them back until Tuesday.
I have to work valentines day so Tim and I planned on going out to eat. However he has been so busy with getting this Honda done he wasn't able to pull away. So I brought Chinese home for dinner. That is our favorite!! In between panting sessions we were able to enjoy dinner and just relax. Tim has this really old book that teaches you how to fold a dollar bill into many different things. We decided to try to create a frog. This did not work AT ALL!! The dollar bill we had was WAY to old, so it did not fold that great. After awhile we decided that we would try again later with a new crisp dollar. In retrospect Friday the 13th is not bad.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Ready for Bed
I just got off work. I am so ready for bed, but for some reason I felt like blogging first. Work sucked today. Our freezer wasnt working quite right, so a guy came and fixed it. For some reason he melted all the build up ice right into the freezer.(All over our food.) It was awhile before he could get it working right again. By the time I could get into it to clean it out all of the water that he had dumped had froze. He was nice about it, he called my boss to tell her what was going on and to see if I could get some help cleaning the freezer out. Of course, I wasnt granted that privalge. I cleaned that whole freezer out top to bottom. I didnt think my hands could get that cold! It took a long time for them to return to a normal color again! On top of that the lady who works graveyard(who I do not like that well) came in and was complaining about some soap suds in the sink, and some gravy in another sink that I had forgot about. It was hard not to say anything, but shut my mouth and cleaned it up. This took about a minute to do. Anyways, thank God im home now!! My bed has never felt more comftable!
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Last night after school I went to Tif's basketball game. Of course, the gym was jammed packed. We were playing Coquille.(our arch rivals!) At first the girls did not play to their potential. Coquille was never ahead by a lot, but I could still clearly see that their coach, Marty Stallard, was definitely not happy! All turned out well though, after the half, and probably a HUGE lecture, the girls put their game faces on. Before we knew it we had about a twenty point lead. And it stayed that way until for the rest of the game. The boy's game was so nerve racking. Throughout the whole game there was horrible calls and T's thrown everywhere. One time the ref called a foul on Willy Looney and he wasn't even anywhere near the kid!! That had the whole gym yelling because that would make it his 5Th foul. MP was screaming and booing, while our couch was challenging the ref. All of Coquille was hollering too, they a T shape with their hands and called out "Technical!!" I didn't think it could get that loud in the gym. In the long run it worked out well for us. Ryan made a basket right at the last second, making it 62-61! Bobcats win! Everyone including the audience runs out into the middle of the court in pure glory. What an exciting game!!
After all that excitement I still had lots of homework to do. So when I got home I immediately started my rough draft for writing that is due on Monday. I knew that I do not have a lot of time to get it done because I have to work today and tomorrow. So I stayed up to 1:00 in the morning working on it. I actually should read it over, that late at night it is hard to tell what I might have accidentally said. well it's back to homework for me. My ethics mid term is also due!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
More Change

Tim graduated in 2003 from Coquille. He wanted to go to an out of state technical school, however he came up just a little bit short money wise. when that happened he had decided just to join the work force so that is what he did. Over the past years he has worked at several different jobs like the mill and at Pete's body shop. He is currently working at a granite place. He likes it there, although with the economy being so bad he is starting to feel the financial pinch.(like we all are) Recently he has mentioned going back to school, but he is not sure that he would be able to. I always tell him he can do whatever he sets his mind to. Yesterday he asked me to pick up some papers about the welding school at socc. So I did. I think is wanting to so bad!! Hopefully we can work things out so he can. Pray that all works out well.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Catch Up

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